Category Archives: 30 Day Challenge Progress

  1. Day three of the 30 Day Challenge

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    February 13, 2014 by alixrd

    Yesterday, I hard to do 50 burpees and 50 kickdown crunches.  I strongly believe that the person who created burpees …
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  2. Day Two of the 30 Day Challenge

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    February 11, 2014 by alixrd

    Yesterday’s workout was a pretty easy one.  100 bicycle crunches and 2 X 30 second planks. Today though, I have …
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  3. Day One of the Challenge

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    February 10, 2014 by alixrd

    So my task yesterday, Day One, was to perform 50 crunches and 2 X 60 second planks. I found this …
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