About Me

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I am a 34 year old teacher who is currently taking her Master’s of Education at the University of Ottawa.  I am also a Spinning Instructor and an active member of the cycling community.  However, it is now winter and I find that my diet regimes and exercise habits tend to go downhill this time of year.

I have always been interested (some might say obsessed) with exercise and diet regimes.  I have tried out many of them and am still looking for the one that works.  Please don’t get me wrong, I am not in the best shape of my life but would like to be.  I love food and tend to eat too much of it.  I lack motivation as many people do and this website is my way of making myself accountable and trying to enable others to learn from my mistakes and to find out what works and what doesn’t.  I will look at different exercise gurus and their books and videos and share them with you.  I will also provide motivational tips and quotes to help you.

This will either prove to be what changes my lifestyle or that which breaks me!

Stay tuned to find out….

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