Day One of the Challenge

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February 10, 2014 by alixrd

So my task yesterday, Day One, was to perform 50 crunches and 2 X 60 second planks.

I found this to be an easy task, but I thought for someone who isn’t used to doing planks, holding it for 60 seconds would be quite challenging. I remember, I wouldn’t have been able to do this when I was first starting out. I think for that reason, this might be a challenge for people who already work out a bit to get involved in. Perhaps it’s not for beginners. Today’s part of the challenge is to perform 100 bicycle crunches and 2 X 30 second planks. Still in the easy phase. I’m a bit scared about the amount of burpees coming up in the days ahead though, I’m not going to lie. I don’t know of anyone who actually enjoys doing burpees. Except maybe Jillian Michaels, but even then, I think she likes the benefits of burpees, not necessarily the act of doing them. I find them to be a killer!

I’ll let you know tomorrow how things go.

Have a great day!

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