The dangers of high protein, no carb diets.

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February 5, 2014 by alixrd

I have tried the protein diet.  The one that I specifically tried was The Belly Fat Cure.

It worked really well.  I followed this diet for several months and I lost quite a bit of weight.  I had never had a flat stomach before and this diet enabled me to have one.  I was so happy!  I was fitting into dresses that I’d only dreamed about being able to wear in the past.  

There were several problems with this diet though.  In the beginning, I had no energy.  I could barely stand up at one point.  I spoke to someone working in GNC one day and she told me that I needed to take supplements when doing a high protein, no carb diet.  I took her advice and things went well.

Eventually though, I decided to let myself have a few carbs.  The problem was that I had developed an intolerance to gluten as a result of this diet.  I had severe stomach cramps that would last for 4 to 6 days and no pain medication would alleviate them.  I now follow a gluten free diet which contrary to popular belief is not a good way to lose weight as products without gluten tend to be higher in fat, at least that is what I’ve found.  

I spoke to a nurse practitioner about the diet at one point and she advised me that women need carbs as it affects their emotions.  Without carbs, women tend to experience depressive symptoms she said.  

I know that not all diet plans will work for everyone and perhaps this diet will work for some people.  I just want to make them to be careful and be informed because some people’s bodies may not tolerate certain diets.

I think, that what I’ve learned from this is that it’s never a good idea to completely eliminate any of the food groups from your diet.  They all serve a purpose in your body.  

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